Official Supplier Data Sheet - BloomNature

Made by Nature is committed to helping you grow.

All details provided to us will be treated as confidential and only will be used to support different purposes, requirements, and guidelines.
1.Full Name of the Main Contact
2.Main Contact Phone Number
3.Main Contact Email
4.Is your Company Registered? If yes please provide us with the papers
5.Is your Registration is documented as :
6.What is your Brand Name?
7.Company URL Website and Social Media URLs
8.Founding Date (When was the Company/Project founded?)
9.What is the size of the team?
10.Who is the team? And are you willing to grow?
11.Product/Service Summary: What is the Company offering?
12.Are you certified HACCP, ISO 22000 or any other food safety system?
13.Did you export previously your products?
14.Are your products labeled for export? If yes, kindly send us a picture of package
15.Are additives included in your product? If yes, kindly list them in the product list
16.Are your products Halal? If yes, kindly provide the certificate
17.Are your products organic? If yes, kindly provide the certificate
18.Do your Products contain Alcohol?
19.Do your Products contain any Dairy residue?
20.Sales / Revenues: Do you make any sales? What are your revenue sources? Help us understand your numbers
21.Traction and Milestones Achieved: Can you share your traction (such as sales, customers, users, testers, downloads, usage, and engagement metrics)?

What are the greatest milestones achieved to date?
22.Initial Investment: How much have you invested in the Business/Project so far?
23.Have you received any previous support? How
24.Competition: Who are your main competitors and what are your competitive advantages?
25.Social Impact: Does your Company/Project have social impact? What social impact have you already achieved? Does your business impact marginalized communities?
26.Next Steps: What are your current and future plans to grow the Business?
27.Challenges: What are the challenges you are currently facing? These help us better understand where you are and how we can offer support.
28.Enterprise Development Areas: What areas does your project need the most help in?
29.Questions / Comments